2023 Summer Message from Superintendent Doug Sheppard

Category: District

What a pleasure it was to return to normal school operations last September. It’s been a joy to watch students and staff reconnect and throw themselves back into a myriad of events and activities that were suspended during the pandemic. We have also witnessed students tackling serious real-world challenges, including mental health, racism and environmental issues and wielding significant influence with their voices and choices in their schools and the wider community as a result.

As always, I’d like to thank our staff for the guidance and exceptional care they have provided to students in helping them to reach their full potential. This year has been so busy, it feels like it has gone by in a flash. However, despite the speed at which this year has passed, I know it’s taken a significant toll on staff throughout the district. I hope you all manage to enjoy some well-deserved rest and relaxation over the summer.

As always at this time of year, we bid farewell to a number of staff who are retiring or moving on to other adventures. Thank you for your hard work and commitment in educating and supporting students.

To our returning and newly-elected Trustees, thank you for your commitment to supporting our students, staff, and district.

Congratulations Graduates of 2023! We are excited to see where the future takes you. Our wish is that you remain happy, healthy, resilient and continue to follow your passion —whether that involves attending post-secondary, starting a new job or travelling. The real adventure begins now!

To parents and caregivers, thank you for the unconditional love and support you have provided to your children, and for your support of your child’s school and educators.

To all of our Delta students, staff and families, I wish you an enjoyable and relaxing summer.

See you in September!


Doug Sheppard
Superintendent, Delta School District