Pinewood Elementary Students and Staff Support Those in Need

Category: DistrictSchool

Pinewood Elementary staff and families have donated gifts and gift cards to more than 40 children through the Deltassist Angel Giving Tree program.

The collection of generous donations, organized by the school’s library teacher, Rosy Loodu, will make a huge difference to local families in need by helping them to celebrate with food and gifts, and providing hope and happiness during the festive season.

“The Angel Giving Tree program was a great success,” said Ms Loodu. “Thank you to all the classes and staff for buying the gifts and gift cards. It warms my heart to see some children will be getting something new for a change. They don’t always get that. We are grateful for all those who gave and helped make this happen!”

Well done! This is an amazing testimony to the sprit and culture of the Pinewood Elementary community!