Delview’s Celebration of Student Learning 

Category: DistrictSchool

On Thursday, January 24, students at Delview Secondary presented their projects from semester one. Among the impressive displays were:

Children’s Books published by Innovation 10 students, all of which are available for purchase on Amazon. Innovation 10 is a cross-curricular course covering the combined learning targets for Science 10, Social Studies 10, and English 10 in a semester-long program. All writing and illustrations in these books come from students. No royalties are collected from these books’ sales, purchasers only pay for the printing costs.

Video games created by InfoTech students which also required the students to learn how to write code.

A variety of Independent Directed Studies projects by Innovation 10 Students that included everything from song writing and playwriting to 3D printing. Here are just some examples of the incredible creativity of these students:

    • Joshua produced a publication, Food for Thought, to showcase how food connects to local culture. Money raised from this publication will go towards Kinbrace to support local refugee families. You can purchase the publication here: Food For Thought Magazine Purchase and Donation (
    • Natalie created a cartoon art style using Marikyuun as her inspiration.
    • Moxie designed and made a shirt, learning how to use a sewing machine along the way.
    • Maple took inspiration from Pinterest to create various ceramic items.
    • Saraya wrote poetry to spread awareness of how mental health impacts others.
    • Holly created a quilt using the impact of deforestation as her theme.
    • Shibani baked mood cupcakes, using colour to depict different emotions.
    • Emily crocheted a star-themed skirt.
    • Angel repurposed clothing items to create unique one-off designs.
    • Raman’s interest in engineering led her to explore how to build a clap circuit.
    • Connor invented a card game with the aim of teaching people about the negative impacts of pollution.
    • Zachary explored photography using a variety of cameras dating from 1978 to present day.
    • Ryan created a 3D online scale model of the International Space Station.
    • Julius wrote lyrics, performed songs and created the cover art for a short album.

“The end of semester exhibition provides an excellent opportunity for students to demonstrate the passion they have in a particular area,” said Jonathan Kung, teacher. “It is so impressive to see them come up with their vision and see it through to fruition.”