Pink Shirt Day aims to raise awareness of the issues related to bullying, as well as raise funds to support programs that foster children’s healthy self-esteem over the month of February, and throughout the year.
Delta Fire & Emergency Services and the Delta Police Department, Delta School District and City of Delta believe there is no room for bullying in our classrooms, workplaces, or community. Several years ago, in support of Pink Shirt Day, they collaborated to create a fun and much-anticipated event for Delta students – the Battle of the Badges hockey game between the Fire and Police Departments.
Today’s event took place at the Sungod Arena in Delta in front of approximately 1,850 Grade 4 – 7 students. Chair Joe Muego, Vice Chair Val Windsor and trustees Ammen Dhillon and Nick Kanakos from the Delta Board of Education were joined by City of Delta Mayor George V. Harvie, Police Chief Harj Sidhu and Fire Chief Guy McKintuck. Elder Ruth Adams from the Tsawwassen First Nation gave a blessing before the puck dropped at 10:30a.m.
It was an exciting game that ended with a final score of 5-4 to the Police. Many thanks to Delta students Gus, Isaiah and Teshaan for officiating the game.
The theme for this year’s Pink Shirt Day is Let Kindness Grow. With one in five students affected by bullying, Pink Shirt Day is all about cultivating a community of kindness. Just like tending to a garden, together we can each help nurture a sense of belonging where we live, work and go to school.
Through the Battle of the Badges hockey game, Delta’s Police and Fire Departments hope to promote the importance of standing together against bullying. By raising awareness for anti-bullying, our Fire and Police Departments hope to inspire students to practice kindness and compassion always.
Bullying, cyberbullying and harassment jeopardize learning and can severely impact a child’s mental, emotional and physical health. Please visit the Pink Shirt Day website for resources on how to create a healthy environment for children and foster nourishing relationships.
Click here for an article by Board Chair Joe Muego on the importance of creating a safe, respectful and inclusive environment for all.