District-wide Focus Groups on French Immersion

Category: DistrictSchool

Parents are invited to participate in a Delta School District French Immersion Review

To accomplish this, we are gathering information from parents, teachers, students, administrators and other district staff. Using the current strengths of our French Immersion Programs, the goal is to set a new, shared vision.

As part of this review, we are offering the following times and locations for parent focus groups. Please note that parents can attend any of the focus groups, not just one at your school.

All Focus Groups are 6:30pm – 8:00pm

  • Wednesday Nov 14th: Burnsview Secondary
  • Thursday Nov 15th: Richardson Elementary
  • Monday Nov 19th: Ladner Elementary

If any of these times work with your schedule, we hope you consider attending. Your feedback is essential, and the more we receive, the better we are able to enhance your child(ren)’s experience in the French Immersion Program.


Starting in September 2018, the Delta School District began conducting a review of French Immersion (FI) Programs in the district. The purpose of this review is to engage in a widespread examination of the current infrastructure, policies and practices of the Delta School District French Immersion Programs.