Dear Parents/Caregivers,
March 22, 2019
As you may have heard, the BC Government has announced an initiative to catch up all school-aged children (K-12) with measles vaccines. This is an opportunity for unimmunized and under-immunized children to catch-up on their vaccinations. There is no measles outbreak within our region; however, we are working with the province, our health-care partners and school districts to increase immunity amongst B.C.’s school-aged children.
Most people in Canada are protected against measles infections through immunizations. Two doses of either measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) or measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella vaccine (MMRV) is 99 per cent effective at preventing measles. Children receive one dose of MMR at 12 months of age followed by one dose of MMRV starting at four years of age. For more information on measles and measles containing vaccine, please visit
Starting in April, the Fraser Health Public Health team will send letters to parents of children in kindergarten through Grade 12 who do not have up-to-date measles vaccinations. Parents will be provided with instructions on where and when they can go to receive measles vaccination for their children. Thank you for your patience while we review Fraser Health immunization records over the coming weeks.
Only students who are not up-to-date with MMR or MMRV based on public health records will receive a letter outlining what measles vaccine they need and any other vaccines they are missing. The letter will give instructions as to where the student can receive the measles vaccine and other vaccines if needed. This letter will include the student’s immunization record and should be kept in a safe place for future immunization reporting. If you receive a letter, but have documented vaccine elsewhere, this documentation must be sent to public health according to the instructions below.
If your child was immunized by Fraser Health Public Health, it is not necessary to request your child’s immunization records at this time. However, if your child was not immunized by Fraser Health Public Health in the past and received their immunizations from their family doctor, nurse practitioner or a pharmacist, please e-mail their immunization records to:
If you have any questions, please contact your local Public Health Unit listed below.
Students who are considered to be up-to-date according to public health records will not be receiving a letter. If you do not receive a letter for your child/children by July 2019 and believe that they are not up-to-date with their immunizations, please contact your local Public Health unit listed below.

Sincerely, Dr. Andrew Larder FRCPC
Medical Health Officer and Medical Director
Download original letter here
Public Health units
Abbotsford HU Tel: 604-864-3400 Fax: 604-864-3410
Agassiz HU Tel: 604-793-7160 Fax: 604-796-8587
Burnaby HU Tel: 604-918-7605 Fax: 604-918-7630
Chilliwack HU Tel: 604-702-4900 Fax: 604-702-4901
Cloverdale HU, Surrey Tel: 604-575-5100 Fax: 604-574-3738
Guildford HU, Surrey Tel: 604-587-4750 Fax: 604-587-4777
Hope HU Tel: 604-860-7630 Fax: 604-869-2332
Langley HU Tel: 604-539-2900 Fax: 604-514-8036
Maple Ridge HU Tel: 604-476-7000 Fax: 604-476-7077
Mission HU Tel: 604-814-5500 Fax: 604-814-5517
New Westminster HU Tel: 604-777-6740 Fax: 604-525-0878
Tri-Cities HU Tel: 604-949-7200 Fax: 604-949-7211
Newton HU, Surrey Tel: 604-592-2000 Fax: 604-501-4814
North Delta HU Tel: 604-507-5400 Fax: 604-507-4617
North Surrey HU Tel: 604-587-7900 Fax: 604-582-4811
South Delta HU Tel: 604-946-6953 Fax:604-952-3550
White Rock HU Tel: 604-542-4000 Fax: 604-542-4009