A Welcome Back to School Message

Category: DistrictSchool


Welcome back to school everyone—

As the year begins, I wish Delta students, parents, and staff a wonderful school year.

I hope that Delta’s amazing summer weather has given you all the opportunity to rest, relax, recharge, and spend time with family and friends. As we settle into our schools and learning spaces, I am excited for the coming school year and the engaging and innovative education opportunities ahead.

Healthy relationships and a strong sense of connectedness
are key to student learning success.

In 2010/11, when Delta School District created Our Bold Vision, an essential driver of our work was articulated as Relationships and Connections. Those between our school communities, our students, our staff, and with the people of Delta.

Healthy relationships and a strong sense of connectedness, not only in the classroom between our learners and their educators but with parents and beyond the classroom into the greater community, are key to student learning success.

This year we will continue to use Our Bold Vision as the keel that helps steward us through the school year, and I encourage our students, staff, and parent community to reflect on what aspects of Our Bold Vision resonate with you. What areas as a District can we better focus on? Where to next?

Another way we work to ensure our students feel connected is through our District Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL) where we ask every student:

Are there two or more adults in your school who believe
that you will be a success in life?

We are committed to ensuring our students feel connected and supported.

I would like to share with you a TedTalk by Rita Pierson on the importance of relationships in the classroom, and how every student needs a champion.

I know I can speak for my colleagues, Assistant Superintendents Nancy Gordon and Brad Bauman, when I say how fortunate I feel to be a part of the Delta School District community. It is my greatest pleasure to be able to engage collaboratively in dialogue with parents, teachers and students about the future of education for all our students.

Once again, I welcome back all those who are returning – and a special welcome to those who are joining us as new students, parents, and staff.

Have an excellent September and school year!

Doug Sheppard

Doug Sheppard, Superintendent

Welcome back, everyone!
On behalf of the Delta School Board, I hope everyone has a safe and exciting first day of school. As we get back into the rhythm of another school year, I would like to offer a few tips to help smooth the transition from the sunny and (hopefully) relaxing days of summer, back to a focused learning mindset.

One way to start the year off on the right foot is to build in some time to walk to school — even parking a few blocks away and making time for ten minutes on the playground before the bell will provide:

  • A brain boost so your child is ready to learn;
  • Greater safety for your child and others by removing cars from schools zones and student pedestrians;
  • A positive social connection with children and other parents.

Fraser Health has helpful safety tips for getting to and from school: https://www.fraserhealth.ca/news/2018/Aug/walk-to-school-how-to-boost-your-childs-health#.XW64rJNKjUJ

For some students, the excitement of back-to-school can present itself in anxiety, nervousness, and/or stress. I have found this post from Kelty Mental Health helpful in my own parenting: http://keltymentalhealth.ca/blog/2017/08/healthy-strategies-back-school

Our community partners at Fraser Health Authority have created a great resource on topics to support parents on how to how a successful back-to-school. From back-to-school anxiety, and lunches, to sleep habits, and after-school activities.

This school year our district will continue its commitment to healthy, safe, and innovative learning opportunities for all our students. I hope to see many of you at events this year, and look forward to another exciting and successful year ahead!

Laura Dixon
DSD Board Chair