Regular Board Meeting – May 5, 2020

Category: DistrictSchool

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made some changes to the way we hold board meetings to ensure physical distancing protocols can be followed. Starting with the May 5 Regular Board Meeting, the Board of Education will use video conferencing technology to hold its board meetings.

If you are interested in watching the May 5 Regular Public Board meeting, the link for the livestream meeting is:

Please note: If there are any technical issues on our end during the meeting, a new link will be posted here as soon as possible.

  • The agenda for each board meeting will be posted no later than the Monday immediately preceding the board meeting.
  • The link for each Regular Public Board meeting will be posted on the board meetings page of the district’s website by 5pm on the day of the board meeting.
  • As always, a question period of no more than 30 minutes will be provided at the end of each board meeting.
  • To submit questions for consideration during the question period, please email at any time before the Regular Board Meeting begins, or during the Regular Board Meeting up until the start of the question period.
  • Please note: questions should pertain to items on the agenda and include the name of the person submitting the question.
  • The question, along with the name of the person that submitted it, will be read out and answered during the question period in the order that it is received.

The purpose of the question period is to ensure that the public has an opportunity to ask questions relating to an agenda topic. As we believe in the importance of communicating with the public, all members of the community are encouraged to submit questions.

If you or your group would like to make a presentation to the Board, please contact Tracey Nelson-Trick at 604-952-5340 or email  A written submission would be preferred at this time, however, if you would like to present in another way, we are happy to discuss alternative arrangements.

The Delta School Board wishes to extend its appreciation to all members of the SD37 community who are interested in Board meeting proceedings despite the COVID-19 pandemic. We look forward to the time when we can all meet together in person again.

May 5 Regular Public Board Meeting livestream link –