Local Secondary School Teacher Inspires Students to Consider a Career in Welding

Category: DistrictSchool

South Delta Secondary teacher Emil Jurica created a number of videos for his YouTube Channel Way of the Wrench to help teach Automotive Technology curriculum during the pandemic. As well as helping his students learn automotive skills, his videos caught the eye of the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) Association who were looking for someone to get people excited about a career in welding.

As a result, Emil has created a new series called How to Become a Welder. It covers anything and everything about welding including safety, setup, proper operation, diagnosing bad welds and making cool welding projects. With five videos already available on YouTube, don’t delay in checking them out.

“I have put an insane amount of work into these videos but they have been a great way to connect with my students and get them the valuable info they need to be successful in my class and in their future careers in the trades,” said Emil. “One of the great things about being a welder is that your skills are in demand across all types of industries from building sites and manufacturing plants to large infrastructure such tunnels and bridges. I hope my videos help inspire students to consider welding as a career.”

Click here to learn more about Emil’s collaboration with the CWB Association.