Parent Consent Required for New Google Apps for Education Program

As this school year begins, we are excited to announce the addition of Read&Write for Google Apps for Education (GAFE).

The addition of Read&Write to Delta GAFE means a significant change in the terms and conditions for GAFE accounts, so we are required to update the Parent/Guardian consent to comply with privacy laws. As a result we will require parents to re-consent to their child having a GAFE account.

Starting September 6th – all Delta student GAFE accounts will be suspended until parental consent is received, either through Parent Connect or a paper consent form.

For students who currently have GAFE accounts, re-consent by the Parent/Guardian should be the only step required to re-activate a student’s GAFE account.

Attached is a document outlining the consent process for parents using Parent Connect, as well as a letter for parents who are unable to provide digital consent.

For any new students to GAFE, the process is the same as last year. Information on student accounts can be found at: