Seaquam Students Representing Canada in the YRE International Competition

Category: DistrictSchool

Congratulations to Seaquam Secondary Grade 9 students Anika Dass and Diya Dhaliwal, winners of the 2021 Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) Canada National Competition for their submission (above).

Update – September 2021: Anika and Diya went on to represent Canada in the YRE International competition. Their photo picture entitled “Our world is slipping down the drain” was highlighted by the International Jury of the YRE competition as a Runner-Up. The jury had this special message for Anika and Diya:

“The symbolism of this picture is wonderful. The media used, in particular: to have dirt, the actual earth arranged in such a way to represent the countries of the planet slipping down the drain and showing that things are falling apart — quite literally going down the drain… it is a very meaningful and clever symbolism for this photograph. Not having a person on it makes the message perhaps even more universal and meaningful. This picture has indeed something special, as it has never been seen in the YRE competition before. It looks like a fantastic, powerful poster concept. This kind of message, ominous as it may be, deserves props for its smart and artistic approach, and deserves to be recognized. That is why we, the International Jury of the Competition, highlight this Photo as a 2021 Photo of the Year Runner-Up.”

For more information about the YRE Photo of the Year 2022, please visit: