2016 Delta Trades and Technical Career Fair

The Delta Trades and Technical Career Fair is here to help you get inspired and find the path that fits you best! This free annual event features dozens of hands-on exhibits from post-secondary institutions, industry organizations and local employers where you can actually try out some of these amazing careers!

Returning on April 28, 2016 to Sungod Recreation Centre, this free event provides access to almost 100 exhibits to pique your interest in a lucrative and rewarding career. 

Gather information from industry professionals and chat with them about culinary arts, mechanics, hair and aesthetics, aviation, policing, plumbing, and much more. In 2015, students from around Delta engaged with exhibits by VCC, Kwantlen BCIT, St. John Ambulance, Tourism BC, the Justice Institute, Pacific Flying Club, Fortis BC, Canadian Forces, and many more.

As April 28 approaches, we will keep you updated on this year’s exhibitors, presentations and opportunities. Check back to Delta.ca/CareerFair often and engage with the event using the #DeltaCareerFair hashtag.

Check out the video from the 2015 Delta Trades and Technical Career Fair to get inspired about your future.