As we wind down the 2018/19 school year and look towards the warm, restorative days of summer break, I would like to take this time to acknowledge the hard work and commitment to success we have experienced across Delta School District this school year.
Thank you to all our parents and staff who have helped and supported our students in innumerable ways. I hope you have a restful and joyful summer with friends and family. The work we set out to do is only achievable because of your dedication and hard work.
To our Trustees, I am grateful for the passion and expertise that each of you bring to the table every day. Thank you for your leadership and dedication to our students, staff, and district.
Over the summer we will be wishing a fond farewell to many staff who are retiring. To all of our retirees, I say thank you for creating a wonderful legacy. You have made a positive impact on the lives of so many students during your career.
To our Delta students, both young and not-so-young, I wish you a safe and fun summer. Enjoy a well-earned rest, and I look forward to witnessing all that you will accomplish next year. You inspire me every day.
And a heartfelt congratulations to each of our graduates. I wish you the very best as you take your next step—whether that involves attending post-secondary, starting a new job, or traveling. Enjoy what lies ahead, but always remember and be proud of your Delta roots, because Delta School District is very proud of you.
At the start of each school year I create a personal theme for my work, and I use this this theme as a lens through which I help navigate and steward the District through the year. This past year I chose Diversity, Unity, and Inclusion to be my compass.
It is a testament to our staff and trustees that when we face challenges in these areas, we face them together. It can be difficult work, and involve uncomfortable conversations. But I am proud of this commitment that I see being pursued every day in our district.
As parents, students, educators and community members, despite the differences in our world, I am so proud to witness us all working towards our District’s mission to enable all our learners to succeed and contribute their full potential to the future.
Have a happy and safe summer, and we’ll see you in September!

Doug Sheppard,
Superintendent, Delta School District