We hope you have had an enjoyable summer break and been able to catch up with family and friends. We are excited to welcome students back to school next Tuesday (September 6) to continue our mission of inspiring and nurturing thriving, future-ready learners.
For the coming school year, we will continue to focus on our strategic priorities of ensuring learning success and graduation for all students, creating powerful and inspiring learning environments, providing strong foundations in literacy and numeracy, building and maintaining an engaged, empowered and healthy workforce, and ensuring strong governance and stewardship of district and school resources. These strategic priorities will ensure we remain on track to achieve our Vision for 2030 of being an innovative, inclusive community where all learners belong and everyone soars.
As always, we will continue to work closely with the Ministry of Education and Child Care and Fraser Health as they monitor and adjust safety guidelines to meet community and school needs to help prevent the transmission of communicable diseases, such as COVID-19. As always, we encourage students and staff to continue to practice good COVID-sense such as completing a daily health check and staying home when sick, washing hands frequently, practising good respiratory etiquette and respecting the personal space of others. Wearing a mask will continue to be a personal choice, and that choice will be supported and respected. Schools will continue to have masks available for those who want to wear one.
Once again, we welcome back all those who are returning – and a special welcome to those who are joining us as new students, parents, and staff.
Have an excellent September and school year!
Doug Sheppard, Superintendent of Schools and Val Windsor, Chair, Delta Board of Trustees