Back to School Opening Hours & Registration Info

Category: DistrictSchool

Schools Re-open Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Elementary Students
(Gr. 1-7 inclusive)

Schools will open at their regular times and close at 12:00 noon (as published in the school calendars distributed in May).

NOTE: Kindergarten students will attend for approximately 45 minutes on opening day
(parents will be notified of actual times by their child’s school).

Secondary Students

Opening day hours of attendance for specific secondary schools may be obtained by contacting the school.

REGISTRATION for students who are NEW to Delta schools


Tuesday, August 27 or Wednesday, August 28
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Monday, August 26 or Tuesday, August 27
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

At the time of registration please present the following information:

For all students:

  1. Appropriate proof of citizenship or status in Canada for both students and parents, and appropriate proof of age for students.
    • original birth certificate, passport, baptismal certificate, immigration or refugee documentation
  2. Appropriate proof of residence (purchase/rental agreement, current year property tax receipt, current month rental receipt showing address, or letter from landlord).
  3. Most recent report card from previous school, if available.

 For students entering Kindergarten:

As above, plus:

  • Immunization record, Care Card, medical and emergency contact information

For students entering Secondary:

As above, plus:

  • Copy of summer school results, if applicable

For students whose first language is not English (ELL):

A district assessment service for secondary students only is offered as follows:

Wednesday, August 28 and Thursday, August 29 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Delta Manor Education Centre – 4750 57 St.

At these assessments children’s English language proficiency will be assessed to determine school placement. To book an appointment, please contact Inclusive Learning before Tuesday, August 27 at 604-952-5325.