April 18, 2024: Draft Budget Recommendations
We received more than 180 responses from Phase 1 of the public budget consultation process which asked for feedback on your general priorities. Many thanks to everyone who spent time completing the survey. Your feedback is extremely valuable and was reviewed during preparation of the draft budget recommendations, which were released today. For Phase 2 of the consultation process, we invite you to provide feedback on the draft budget recommendations.
Also, please review this handout for a summary of your feedback from the Phase 1 consultation as well as information on where funding comes from and how it is spent.
You can provide feedback by:
- Attending the Public Board Meeting at 7:30pm on Tuesday, April 23. To sign up to speak at the meeting, please email rsonsalla@deltaschools.ca by noon on Monday, April 22.
- Completing the online survey (https://forms.gle/69ZdPF9LcrQXhVdX9) by noon on Monday, April 22.
- Sending an email to budget@deltaschools.ca by noon on Monday, April 22.
The Delta Board of Education will consider all feedback received on the draft budget recommendations before amending and/or approving the budget for 2024/2025.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to review the recommendations and sharing your thoughts with us.
Val Windsor,
Chair, Delta Board of Education
February 2024: Budget Consultation Process
Each year at this time, the Delta School District is required to start developing a balanced budget for the upcoming school year. We encourage all families, staff, partners and rights-holders to participate in this process.
For the previous two years, we have invited participation by way of a public input session via Zoom. This year, in an effort to increase engagement, we are trying a different approach. You will able to provide feedback via a short online survey, or through more traditional methods such as email, mail or through your school’s PAC.
You will have two opportunities to provide feedback:
- Share your general priorities before March 18.
- Share feedback on the draft budget recommendations between April 18-23.
Please review this brief handout (or click on the image below) for more information on this year’s process, including a survey link to enable you to share your general priorities by March 18.
Community feedback is so valuable. We would love to hear from everyone. Thank you in advance for taking the time to review this information and share your thoughts with us.
Val Windsor,
Chair, Delta Board of Education

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