COMING SOON: Continuing Education FALL 2019 Catalogue

Category: District

Watch for the Continuing Education FALL 2019 catalogue heading out to Delta homes on August 22!

About Our Cover

To celebrate their graduation from the Delta Teaching Assistant Certificate (DTAC) program this past June, each student posed for a photo, taken by fellow graduate Adriana Greig, holding a puzzle piece displaying a word or phrase they felt summed up their experience in the DTAC program. These photos were such powerful reflections of the adult student experience that we have selected several of them as  the main images on our next few catalogue covers.

►  Browse for courses on-line now:

►  DELTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Academic Upgrading, including Adult Foundations, LINC, and Secondary Credit Courses

►  EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Program information, including provincial Student Bursaries:

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