Delta School District Budget Process 2022/2023

Category: District

The Delta School District is committed to transparent budget planning and resource allocation that is directly aligned with the strategic vision, goals and objectives established by the Board. It is our sincere hope that as many voices as possible engage in the annual budget input process to provide feedback on their funding priorities for the upcoming school year.

Budget Process and Department Priorities
Please click here to review some brief handouts on the school district budget.

Also, below are links to a variety of short videos that explain the budget process and provide an overview of each department and its priorities for 2021-2024. These videos were originally shared at the Budget Process Webinar on Wednesday, February 23, 2022:

More detailed information on the district’s Vision and Strategic Plan can be found here:
Vision 2030       Strategic Plan 2021-2024

Important Dates (subject to change; please check back regularly for updates)

Feb – April: Ongoing consultation with stakeholders – parents and the community, Delta Principals and Vice Principals Association, Delta Teachers’ Association, CUPE 1091, Delta DPAC, First Nations Education Advisory Council

March 15, 2022: Funding announcement from the Ministry of Education

April 28, 2022: Public release of the draft budget via the school district website and local newspapers

May 3, 2022:  Special Public Board Meeting – For parents and the community to provide feedback and/or ask questions on the draft budget

May 10, 2022: Regular Public Board Meeting – Tentative date for the Board to review the public’s input before amending and/or approving the budget for 2022/2023