Delta School District staff submit a balanced draft budget for 2019-2020 

Category: DistrictSchool

April 10, 2019—Delta, BC—Delta School District staff is pleased to be able to put forward a balanced draft budget for the 2019-2020 school year where no reductions have to be made.


The Delta School District is committed to Our Bold Vision of being a leading district for innovative teaching and learner success. The District is focused on providing the best learning environments possible by placing the learning needs of all students first.

The mission of the Delta School District is to:
Enable all learners to succeed and contribute their full potential to the future.

The framework that guides how we work towards reaching our mission is outlined in these four areas:

  1. CONNECTEDNESS: All students will have at least two adults in their school who believe that they will be a success in life.
  2. READING: All students in the Delta School District will achieve grade level literacy by grade three, with the first three years of this goal focusing specifically on reading.
  3. ASSESSMENT: All students will demonstrate an understanding of themselves as learners by being able to answer the “Big Three” questions:
    1. What am I learning?
    2. How is my learning going?
    3. Where to next?
  4. GRADUATION: All students will graduate with dignity, purpose, passion, and options.

Delta School District staff and the Board of Trustees are committed to a thoughtful and student-centred approach to balancing the budget each year.

A balanced budget is a stipulation of the School Act.


The Operating Budget for 2019/20 is $160.853 million.

The District anticipates a growth in enrollment of 10 full-time enrolled (FTE) students for the 2019/20 school year, bringing the student FTE total from 15,397 in the 2018/19 original budget forecast to 15,407 FTE students forecasted for the upcoming year.

“Delta School District staff and trustees are pleased to be able to put forward a draft balanced budget where no reductions have to be made.”

Recent Provincial funding announcements have contributed to the Delta School District reporting a small surplus of $63,000.



  1. Increase Per Pupil Funding. I.e. Regular per pupil funding increased by $45/FTE.
  2. New funding to Inclusive Education, Indigenous Education, and English Language Learners (ELL) will bring service expansions to better address student needs. This funding is included in the overall Operating Budget of $160.853 million, and exists as separate and allocated funding to be used towards these specific areas.
  3. Assurance of adequate funding for the difference between the new Employee Health Tax (EHT) and the legislated MSP reduction.


Balancing the Budget

Delta School District is committed to fulfilling our staffing needs within the classroom, and across the district in as timely and consistent manner as possible. As such, it is recommended that the $63,000 surplus be allocated to an additional HR Coordinator (CUPE) position to assist with the growing needs for recruitment and employee services.

“We are pleased to be able to put forward a draft balanced budget where no reductions have to be made. This is welcome news for all our students, staff, and Delta families.”Nicola Christ, Secretary Treasurer, Delta School District

The Public will have an opportunity to provide their input and feedback on the 2019/2020 Delta School District draft budget to the Delta School District Trustees on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 at 7:30pm, Delta School Board Office, 4585 Harvest Drive, Ladner. To sign up to speak please email Tracey at