Delta School District to Unveil Reconciliation Pole on Orange Shirt Day

Category: DistrictSchool

The Delta School District will unveil a new Truth and Reconciliation Pole at its head office in Ladner on Orange Shirt Day on Monday, Sept. 30 in recognition of its ongoing working relationship with Tsawwassen First Nation (TFN).

The Pole, commissioned by Delta School District, was carved by TFN artist Karl Morgan, with the assistance of three other TFN Members. The 3.6m (12 foot) Pole is carved from red cedar and signifies the ongoing reconciliation between the Tsawwassen People and Delta School District.

Last spring, Delta School District students were invited to work with Tsawwassen First Nation carver Karl Morgan on the reconciliation house post. Delta School District teaching staff, in collaboration with members of Tsawwassen First Nation, have used the experience of carving with Mr. Morgan as a learning opportunity in Delta classrooms.

“We are honoured to have this beautiful Truth and Reconciliation Pole in the Delta School Board office,” says Laura DixonDelta Board of Education Chairperson. “It represents our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation, and serves as a daily reminder of the teachings and storied history of the people and lands on which we work, learn and play.”

“This Truth and Reconciliation Pole will create a visual reminder that our people are still here,” said TFN Chief Ken Baird. “As we have been since time immemorial. I want to thank the Delta School District for joining with us on this important journey of reconciliation.”

Orange Shirt Day was started in 2013 to educate and promote awareness about the Indian residential school system (1884-1996) and the devastating impact this had on indigenous people in Canada. In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada made 94 “calls to action” regarding reconciliation between Canadians and Indigenous Peoples.

About the Unveiling Ceremony
The pole unveiling ceremony will begin promptly at 3:30 pm on Monday, Sept. 30, at the Delta School Board Office at 4585 Harvest Drive in Ladner.

There will be speeches, followed by a media photo opportunity with Chief Ken Baird, Delta School District Trustee Laura Dixon, Director of Learnings Services Equity and Success Ted Johnson, Distrist Vice Principal Diane Jubinville, and Artist Karl Morgan.

About Delta School District
Delta School District serves the communities of TsawwassenLadner, and North Delta, which together comprise the City of Delta. With 31 schools and over 15,000 students, Delta School District is a leading district for innovative teaching and learner success in Canada. The mission of the district is “To enable all learners to succeed and contribute their full potential to the future.”

About Tsawwassen First Nation (TFN)
Tsawwassen First Nation is a Coast Salish First Nation community located in southwest British Columbia. In 2009, Tsawwassen Members ratified the first urban Treaty under the BC Treaty process, providing TFN with self-government jurisdiction and land ownership on a renewed land base. TFN’s economic development initiatives include developing TFN’s land assets to create a sustainable economy for TFN by generating revenues and creating jobs and business opportunities for TFN Members.