Families gathered at Burnsview Secondary to support their children participating in the the Concours d’art oratoire, a prestigious public speaking competition for students learning French, organized by Canadian Parents for French. The event saw 23 students from grades 6 to 12 across the district showcasing their skills.
“Students collaborate with their teachers to choose topics and prepare speeches,” explained Gwenaëlle Oger-Black, French Programs Coordinator at Delta School District. “After presenting at the classroom level, they advance to district competitions. Winners from district or regional levels proceed to provincial semi-finals. Grade 11 and 12 students who secure first place in their categories move on to the Virtual National finals, where they submit a recorded video of their speech.”
The Concours d’art oratoire ignites students’ passion for learning French, enhances their speaking and pronunciation abilities, and provides a valuable platform for public speaking. It also fosters a community of active French language learners.
The district competition at Burnsview Secondary concluded with eight winners who will compete at the Provincial Concours at SFU on May 3, 2025. Congratulations to the following students for their outstanding speeches:
- Kismet, Grade 6, South Park Elementary: L’injustice d’hockey LPHF (The injustice of LPHF Hockey)
- Zoya, Grade 7, Chalmers Elementary: La Mythologie et l’histoire grecque (Greek mythology and history)
- Eva, Grade 7, South Park Elementary: Les bénéfits de santé de la natation (The health benefits of swimming)
- Ganeev, Grade 8, Burnsview Secondary: Les biais dans les medias (Bias in the media)
- Macey, Grade 11, Burnsview Secondary: Les bienfaits d’écouter et de jouer de la musique (The benefits of listening to and playing music)
- Maheep, Grade 10, North Delta Secondary: Il faut bouger (We need to move)
- Viktoria, Grade 11, North Delta Secondary: La jeunesse de Marie Antoinette (The youth of Marie Antoinette)
- Lucia, Grade 12, North Delta Secondary: Les voyages ouvrent des portes (Travel opens doors)
Families not only cheered on their children but also enjoyed a cultural activity known as l’Apéro, featuring cheese platters, deli meats, and other snacks. Students prepared fancy drinks for their parents using traditional French syrups with flavors like mint, black currant, and pomegranate lemonade, mixed with cold water, apple juice, or milk. Families also posed for photos against backdrops of Québec City or the Eiffel Tower.
The Concours d’art oratoire welcomes students from every province and territory, spanning various age groups and French proficiency levels. Thousands of students participate annually, vying for prizes or scholarships to postsecondary institutions. The competition plays a crucial role in instilling an appreciation for the French language and Francophone culture in students’ identities. For more information, please visit: https://bc-yk.cpf.ca/en/concours-dart-oratoire/