News Archive - Delta School District Thu, 13 Mar 2025 19:24:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Delta Students Connect with Local Employers at Hiring Fairs Thu, 13 Mar 2025 19:24:01 +0000 Delta students seeking jobs have been given a helping hand thanks to recent Hiring Fairs at both South Delta Secondary School (SDSS) and Delta Secondary... Read more »

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Delta students seeking jobs have been given a helping hand thanks to recent Hiring Fairs at both South Delta Secondary School (SDSS) and Delta Secondary School (DSS). Students in grades 10-12 were able to mix and mingle with a variety of local employers and explore potential job opportunities in greater detail.

On Thursday, March 6, SDSS welcomed Cookies Ice Cream Co, Bass Pro Shops, the Delta Chamber of Commerce, Big Splash, McDonalds – Tsawwassen and Four Winds Brewery & Restaurant to the school, where more than 100 students interacted with employers to learn about available positions and job responsibilities.

“We know there are many employers looking to fill gaps in their businesses and organizations,” said Pam Cheng, Career and Post Secondary Advisor, South Delta Secondary. “Instead of collecting applications or resumes during the Hiring Fair, we asked each employer to display a QR code that students could scan, leading to the organization’s hiring page. This allowed students to discuss opportunities with friends and family, update their resume before applying, and avoid the pressure of applying for a role on the spot.”

Employers expressed their satisfaction with the event, appreciating the opportunity to connect with so many students. SDSS hopes to make the Hiring Fair an annual spring event.

On Monday, March 10, DSS held its Hiring Fair, welcoming the Delta Chamber of Commerce, Pedal Heads, McDonalds, Big Splash, Cookies Ice Cream Co, and Fraser Health (volunteer program). Flyers from Bancy Farms were also available with information for students on how to apply for available positions. More than 70 students attended the event.

“Events like these are incredibly valuable. It is increasingly difficult for students to find their first job as many employers only accept online applications, and job seekers often receive no feedback on their applications. The Hiring Fair gave students a chance to explore different opportunities, network with potential employers and develop essential job-seeking skills. These events help students build confidence and gain insights into the job market, ultimately giving them a head start on their careers. Hiring Fairs are equally important for employers, who can chat with students, make connections, and see firsthand how these students might fit into their organizations,” said Kim Jew, Career and Post-Secondary Advisor at Delta Secondary.

At DSS, Career Life Education teacher Kristin Visscher helped prepare Grade 10 students by practicing interview skills and reviewing resumes in their Career Life Education classes. This preparation, combined with the opportunity to engage directly with employers in a familiar and supportive environment, gave students the confidence to explore job opportunities they might not have previously considered.

“The feedback from both students and employers has been fantastic. Pedal Heads and Big Splash hire more than 300 and 200 students respectively every year, so the Hiring Fairs were much appreciated. A huge shout-out to Cookies Ice Cream Co for suggesting the Hiring Fair and for wanting to connect local employers with our students,” said Carla Day, Career Facilitator at DSS, who was instrumental in organizing the Hiring Fair.

If you are a local employer that would like to participate in next year’s Hiring Fairs, please contact the Career and Post Secondary Advisors, Pam Cheng at South Delta Secondary and Kim Jew at Delta Secondary.

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Ladner Students Shine in Royal Canadian Legion’s National Youth Remembrance Contest Wed, 12 Mar 2025 17:02:44 +0000 Congratulations to local students Kylie (Grade 5) and Amelia (Grade 4), for being named winners in the Royal Canadian Legion’s 2024 National Youth Remembrance Contest.... Read more »

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Congratulations to local students Kylie (Grade 5) and Amelia (Grade 4), for being named winners in the Royal Canadian Legion’s 2024 National Youth Remembrance Contest.

The contest, which has inspired young minds for more than 50 years, involves multiple levels of competition. Students submit posters and/or literacy works, first competing at the Legion branch level. Winning entries then advance to the Zone level, followed by the Provincial level. The Peace Arch Zone encompasses Delta, Richmond, Tsawwassen, Crescent Beach, White Rock, and Cloverdale. Kylie’s poem and Amelia’s essay emerged as Zone winners. Impressively, Kylie’s poem also secured third place in British Columbia, out of 6,883 entries.

Kylie and Amelia were honoured at last night’s Public Board Meeting, where they received certificates and awards from members of Legion Branch 61 (Delta). Presenting the awards were Gerry Bramhill, Secretary and the previous Poppy Chair responsible for the youth contest, Barbara Dyck, Youth Chair, and Olwen Demidoff, Second Vice President.

The students’ families and school principals attended the meeting to celebrate their achievements. Special thanks go to Teacher Librarians Karen Reid and Heather Mack for encouraging students to participate in the contest.

Additionally, two secondary students from Delta emerged as contest winners and will be recognized at a separate celebration hosted by Legion Branch 61 (Delta) on March 13. Karina, a Grade 12 student, was a Zone winner and placed second in BC for her poem. Elliott, a Grade 11 student, was a Zone winner for his essay.

Congratulations to Kylie, Amelia, Karina and Elliott! The annual contest plays an important role in fostering the tradition of Remembrance among Canadians. For more information, please visit

Amelia’s essay

Kylie’s poem

Elliott’s essay

Karina’s poem

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Minds on Discovery Science Fair A Great Success Sat, 08 Mar 2025 00:15:27 +0000 More than 99 elementary students from Delta participated in the annual Delta School District “Minds on Discovery” Science Fair held at the Scottsdale Centre in... Read more »

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More than 99 elementary students from Delta participated in the annual Delta School District “Minds on Discovery” Science Fair held at the Scottsdale Centre in North Delta this week.

Students from Chalmers, Devon Gardens, Gray, Heath, Jarvis, Richardson and Sunshine Hills Elementary Schools showcased 64 projects covering topics such as:

  • Does candle material affect burn rate?
  • Does the Mandela Effect exist?
  • How do buildings resist earthquakes?
  • How does wind generate electricity?
  • Which liquid melts ice the fastest?
  • How does air pressure affect bounce?
  • What is the decomposition rate of different fruits?
  • What music helps plants to grow – rap or classical?

Almost 30 individuals, including school board trustees Val Windsor and Nimmi Daula, educators past and present, and individuals from the community volunteered their time to act as judges. They each assessed a couple of projects and awarded bronze, silver and gold in three aspects of the students’ projects.

“The annual “Minds on Discovery” Science Fair is a vibrant celebration of learning,” said Jacob Martens, District Math Coordinator, Delta School District. “It offers students the opportunity to showcase their scientific discoveries to the local community. Students present the questions that guided their research and experimentation, along with their findings and potential next steps. The volunteer judges provide valuable feedback on the strengths of the projects and offer advice for enhancing both current and future projects. We hope that at least half a dozen of these students may decide to participate in the South Fraser Regional Science Fair which takes place on April 15-16 at KPU-Surrey. Many thanks to the Scottsdale Centre – we are extremely grateful for their partnership and ongoing support of this great event.”

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Battle of the Badges 2025 Wed, 26 Feb 2025 22:42:25 +0000 Pink Shirt Day aims to raise awareness of the issues related to bullying, as well as raise funds to support programs that foster children’s healthy... Read more »

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Pink Shirt Day aims to raise awareness of the issues related to bullying, as well as raise funds to support programs that foster children’s healthy self-esteem over the month of February, and throughout the year. 

Delta Fire & Emergency Services and the Delta Police Department, Delta School District and City of Delta believe there is no room for bullying in our classrooms, workplaces, or community. Several years ago, in support of Pink Shirt Day, they collaborated to create a fun and much-anticipated event for Delta students – the Battle of the Badges hockey game between the Fire and Police Departments. 

Today’s event took place at the Sungod Arena in Delta in front of approximately 1,850 Grade 4 – 7 students. Chair Joe Muego, Vice Chair Val Windsor and trustees Ammen Dhillon and Nick Kanakos from the Delta Board of Education were joined by City of Delta Mayor George V. Harvie, Police Chief Harj Sidhu and Fire Chief Guy McKintuck. Elder Ruth Adams from the Tsawwassen First Nation gave a blessing before the puck dropped at 10:30a.m.

It was an exciting game that ended with a final score of 5-4 to the Police. Many thanks to Delta students Gus, Isaiah and Teshaan for officiating the game. 

The theme for this year’s Pink Shirt Day is Let Kindness Grow. With one in five students affected by bullying, Pink Shirt Day is all about cultivating a community of kindness. Just like tending to a garden, together we can each help nurture a sense of belonging where we live, work and go to school. 

Through the Battle of the Badges hockey game, Delta’s Police and Fire Departments hope to promote the importance of standing together against bullying. By raising awareness for anti-bullying, our Fire and Police Departments hope to inspire students to practice kindness and compassion always. 

Bullying, cyberbullying and harassment jeopardize learning and can severely impact a child’s mental, emotional and physical health. Please visit the Pink Shirt Day website for resources on how to create a healthy environment for children and foster nourishing relationships. 

Click here for an article by Board Chair Joe Muego on the importance of creating a safe, respectful and inclusive environment for all.

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2025/26 Budget Consultation Process Wed, 12 Feb 2025 18:36:25 +0000 Click on ‘Language’ in the top right-hand corner of this page to translate this information into a different language. (Disclaimer: Translation provided by Google. Please... Read more »

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Click on ‘Language’ in the top right-hand corner of this page to translate this information into a different language. (Disclaimer: Translation provided by Google. Please excuse any errors).

February 12, 2025: Message from Board Chair Joe Muego re. Budget Consultation Process

Each year at this time, the Delta School District starts working on a budget for the upcoming school year. We encourage all families, staff, partners and rights-holders to participate in this process.

Last year, to help increase engagement in the budget process, we replaced the Zoom public input session with a short online survey. This change resulted in significantly more feedback than we’ve received in recent years, so we are following the same approach this year. You will also be able to provide feedback through more traditional channels such as email, mail or through your school’s PAC.

You will have two opportunities to provide feedback:

  • Share your general priorities before March 14.
  • Share feedback on the draft budget recommendations between April 17-22.

Please review this brief handout (click here or on the image below) for more information on this year’s process, including a survey link to enable you to share your general priorities by March 14.

Community feedback is so valuable. We would love to hear from everyone. Thank you in advance for taking the time to review this information and share your thoughts with us.

Joe Muego
Chair, Delta Board of Education

Please note: The above handout contains links to various documents. For quick access to these, click below:

Vision 2030
Strategic Plan 2025-2028
Trustee Priorities
Public Input – Online Survey

January 13, 2025

Each year at this time, the Delta School District is required to start developing a balanced budget for the upcoming school year. Your feedback is important and so we encourage all families, staff, partners and rights-holders to participate in this process.

The budget planning process follows a similar timeline each year. 

Within the above budget calendar there are two distinct opportunities for people to share feedback – on their general budget priorities (February 19 – March 14, 2025) and on the specific draft budget recommendations (April 17 – April 22, 2025). Stay tuned for more information on the various ways you can provide your feedback.

Additional resources

Detailed financial information going back several years can be found on the district’s website here. (Click on the orange + beside a timeframe to view the reports available).

Two reports that you may find helpful are:

  • Financial Statement Discussion and Analysis. The report, which is released annually in September, is a summary of the district’s financial activities (where funding came from and where it was spent) for the previous school year.
  • Multi-Year Budget Report. This report, which is released annually in April, outlines the district’s anticipated expenses and revenues for the upcoming three years and is used to help with long-term planning and resource allocation. 

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Burnsview Career Week: Students Offered a Glimpse into Different Careers Wed, 12 Feb 2025 18:05:23 +0000 During the week of February 3-7, Burnsview Secondary hosted Career Week, where grade 10, 11 and 12 students were given the opportunity to participate in... Read more »

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During the week of February 3-7, Burnsview Secondary hosted Career Week, where grade 10, 11 and 12 students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of career-related sessions during Individualized Learning Time and during the lunch break.

“This week has confirmed for me how important it is for students to have real world learning opportunities. The conversations students had with our career presenters and the experience of the Road Show heavy machinery simulator inspired many of our students!” said Jane Cougle, Career Teacher, Burnsview Secondary.

“Career Week is more than just an event. It’s a gateway to possibilities. As a career and post-secondary advisor, the typical question, I often receive from students, is “What should I do?” It gives opportunities for students to explore, ask questions, and envision their future with confidence. By bringing professionals and post-secondary educators together, we create a learning environment that extends beyond the classroom and into the real world,” said Sue Switzer, Career and Post Secondary Advisor, Burnsview Secondary.

“Career fairs with industry professionals inspire students, provide real-world insights, and expose them to careers they may never have considered,” said Lisa Chapieski, District Coordinator Student Options & Opportunities. “These events spark curiosity, build connections, and help students make informed choices about their future.”

Many thanks to the parents/guardians and local community members who came along to talk to students about their career journeys:

  • Navi Sandhu, Pharmacy Assistant and author
  • Mohamad Barak, Mechanic
  • Lucky Manglo, Electrician
  • Denise Reid, Senior Program Advisor War Crimes and Serious Inadmissibility Unit
  • Kelly Williams, Engineer
  • Muzamil Ahmed, Nurse
  • Sharon Vipler, Physician
  • Coleen Maceachern, Canadian Factual Television
  • Sarah Glen, Delta Police Department
  • Varun Chugh, Mortgage Broker
  • Ravi Nagi, Electrician
  • Annie Stadnek, Registered Nurse
  • Lelia Sacre, Div 1 Student-Athlete Experience in US Post-Secondary
  • Ravneet Johal, Health Care – Pharmacy
  • Luke Johnson, Lawyer
  • Fernando Gill, Animation Instructor
  • Paula Doucette, Marine Biologist
  • Minjeong Buchanan, Air Canada In-Flight Service Director
  • Simran Cheema, Public Health Nurse, Fraser Health
  • Sonny Buttar, RCMP

WorkBC also held sessions for students to learn about the youth employment services it offers, such as job search tips, resume building and how to access local job opportunities.

Representatives from KPU, Langara and Delta Community Colleges also attended to share information on their programs and give students some insight on what they have to offer.

On Friday, February 7, the BC Road Show Equipment Simulator visited the school to give students the opportunity to learn about careers in roading building in BC. Visit for more information.

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Sands Secondary Students Explore Their Career Options Tue, 11 Feb 2025 00:42:39 +0000 Last week, students at Sands Secondary gained valuable insight into more than 20 careers thanks to a Career Fair hosted by Sands in partnership with... Read more »

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Last week, students at Sands Secondary gained valuable insight into more than 20 careers thanks to a Career Fair hosted by Sands in partnership with the Rotary Club of North Delta.

Experts from a variety of fields including cybersecurity, plumbing, real estate, digital marketing, policing and respiratory therapy were on hand to share what it was like to work in their profession, including the skills and knowledge required, and the favourite parts of their role.

“Many students have no idea of what they want to do after high school, so events like this really help to give them ideas and inspiration for what their future might look like. With course planning happening soon, it’s so important that students gain exposure to the different career paths available to them so they can pick the best courses to help them achieve their goals,” said Julie Sansregret, Career and Post Secondary Advisor, Sands Secondary.

Most of the professionals present were approached to take part by members of the Rotary Club of North Delta.

“Our aim is to help enhance the quality of life for people in our community, so we are always looking for initiatives that help us achieve that,” said Jon Marks, President, Rotary Club of North Delta. “We are particularly interested in investing in youth. We held a similar event at Seaquam Secondary a couple of years ago. This event involved a broader scope of professionals and holding it during the school day made it easy for students to attend. I was thrilled to see so many students participate. We feel such events are so beneficial in adding to students’ development and helping them to make decisions about their future.”

The district’s Coordinator of Student Options and Opportunities, Lisa Chapieski, created handouts for each profession represented that included a career overview from WorkBC that contained information on key duties, annual earnings/hourly rate, and the skills, education and training required.

The event was a huge hit with students.

“The event was fun and very interesting. It showcased a variety of interesting careers and even included a cool display of CPR.” – Oakly, a Grade 12 student who plans to work in either CADD, architecture or structural drafting, or train a paramedic. Oakly is currently enrolled in the dual credit CADD program, taking courses at KPU while still in high school, with tuition covered by the Delta School District. If students are interested in applying for this opportunity, they should see their school Career Program Facilitator, as applications are happening right now.

“My dad is a firefighter and I’m inspired to follow that career path myself.” – Kowen, Grade 12 student who plans to go to BCIT to train in HVAC before pursuing a career as a firefighter.

“I want to be a firefighter so I can have a positive impact on the community by affecting peoples’ lives for the better.”  – Bernardo, Grade 12 student who has plans to train as a plumber before becoming a firefighter.  Both Bernardo and Kowen are participating in the Delta Junior Firefighting Academy. Students interested in applying must submit their applications before the end of February through their school Career Program Facilitator.

Many thanks to the following community members for taking the time to talk to students about their careers. Your support in helping students navigate potential career paths is invaluable.

  • Digital Marketing– Daniel Marks, Course Hero
  • Realtor – Leah Bach, Self Employed Contractor for RE/MAX
  • Accounting – Aoun Hamdani, PH & Associates
  • Policing – Constable Meghan Wellis, Delta Police Department
  • Plumbing – Ryan Kular, The Pipe Doctor
  • Software Engineer – Mahela Cooray, Carbon Networks
  • Cybersecurity – Ish Rahman, Carbon Networks
  • IT Systems Specialist – Neil Hogan, Mutual Fire Insurance of BC
  • Electrician – Harman Randhawa – Wire-Man Electric
  • 3D Modelling – Jason Dingelstad and Ryan Gast – Underhill
  • Civil Engineering – Casey Wang – Marcon
  • Paramedic – Kyle Cempron – JIBC
  • Entrepreneur – David Wilkinson, 3S Environmental Ltd.
  • Firefighter – Rob Cullen and Romayne Ciolfi, Delta Fire Department
  • Lawyer – Lauren Sansregret, Boughton Law Corporation
  • Family Physician – Dr. Mandeep Bal, Self-employed
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonographer – Jennifer Lin, Fraser Health
  • Human Resources – Daniel Sibey, Parkland Refining BC Ltd.
  • Dental Hygienist – Anoop Jandu
  • Pharmacist – Fiona Kwan, Fraser Health
  • Respiratory Therapist – Stephanie Mckerral, Fraser Health

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Delta Students Benefiting from Generosity of Cascadia Metals Fri, 24 Jan 2025 18:56:56 +0000 Since the start of the school year, Cascadia Metals (Delta branch) has generously donated more than 10,000lb of various types of steel to Seaquam Secondary... Read more »

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Since the start of the school year, Cascadia Metals (Delta branch) has generously donated more than 10,000lb of various types of steel to Seaquam Secondary School to help students in the Machining and Welding program.

“Without this donation, I don’t think we would have been able to offer the Machining and Welding senior program to students. Thanks to Cascadia Metals providing the steel, we were able to spend our budget for the program on buying 16 new welding helmets and enough hand tools to equip eight welding booths. With their donations, we have also been able to build eight new welding tables for students to work on in each of the booths,” said Graeme Bossons, teacher at Seaquam Secondary.

“Last year, we only had one welding booth, so can you imagine how impactful it is for students to have more space, and the materials necessary to learn and practice their skills. The introduction of the Machining and Welding senior program is also giving students a valuable opportunity to get a taste of the welding and fabrication trades to help them in their decisions on what to pursue in post-secondary.”

Some of the thicker metal that was donated is enabling students to practice welding different joints similar to what BCIT students learn in the Welders’ Foundation program. With the thinner metal, Grade 8 students are making sheet metal pencil cases, while Grade 9 and 10 students are making sheet metal toolboxes.

“As you can imagine, having enough raw materials for classes to work on a variety of different projects to hone their skills becomes expensive fast. We are extremely grateful to Cascadia Metals for their donations over the last few months. Not only have they donated such a large amount of material to us, but they have been kind enough to deliver it directly to our school.”

“What I enjoy about the new machining and welding senior program is the opportunity to learn the skills that will help me prepare for my future in trades. I plan on pursuing a career in metal fabrication and this course helps me get a head start. Opportunities like this make me glad I am a student at Seaquam because not every school offers programs like this,” Logan, grade 11 student.

“At Cascadia Metals, we are committed to investing in the future of our communities,” said James Gregoire, Assistant Operations Manager, Cascadia Metals. “By donating materials to Seaquam Secondary School’s metal shop, we’re helping students explore their passion for craftsmanship while developing valuable, hands-on skills. We’re proud to play a part in shaping the next generation of metalworkers and innovators.”


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Delview Students Showcase their Innovations Thu, 23 Jan 2025 03:10:09 +0000 Congratulations to Delview’s Innovation 10 students who showcased an array of impressive Independent Directed Studies at their Celebration of Learning on January 22, 2025. Projects... Read more »

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Congratulations to Delview’s Innovation 10 students who showcased an array of impressive Independent Directed Studies at their Celebration of Learning on January 22, 2025. Projects included showcasing the diversity and beauty of cultural heritage through textiles and miniature models, composing music and songs, and building computer games, an electric guitar and a cosplay sword.

The students also embarked on a group inquiry project that blended the exploration of identity and belonging with the skill of miniature model making. They created ‘A House of Belonging’. Working in 1:24 scale, students carefully researched and designed seven rooms in the model house to show how various elements of culture, such as traditions, values and symbols, shape our sense of identity.

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Delta School District Seeking Volunteers for Accessibility Advisory Committee Wed, 08 Jan 2025 19:40:07 +0000 The Delta School District (DSD) is looking for student, staff and community volunteers interested in serving on its Accessibility Advisory Committee. The Accessibility Advisory Committee is... Read more »

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The Delta School District (DSD) is looking for student, staff and community volunteers interested in serving on its Accessibility Advisory Committee.

The Accessibility Advisory Committee is dedicated to identifying social, physical, sensory and other barriers that prevent people from fully participating in all aspects of school community life and advising on strategies to reduce them, ensuring a more inclusive and accessible environment.

If you are interested in helping our school district become more accessible and welcoming to all, please complete the online application  (or copy and paste this link into your browser: by February 7, 2025.

Applicants who are shortlisted may be required to attend a short interview. Committee appointments will be made based on best fit and in accordance with the Accessible BC Act and the applicant criteria.

Applicant Criteria

The Accessible BC Act stipulates that advisory committees should feature a broad spectrum of people to represent B.C.’s diverse population. Committees must include an Indigenous person, and at least half of the members must be people with disabilities, members of families of people with disabilities, or members of organizations that support people with disabilities. It is expected that all other members and organizations associated with the school district will be represented within the Accessibility Advisory Committee, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Delta Student Representative or Delta Youth Advisory Committee (DYAC)
  • Delta Parents Advisory Committee (DPAC)
  • Indigenous Education Department
  • Delta Teacher Association (DTA)
  • CUPE 1091
  • Delta Principals & Vice Principals Association (DPVPA)

To be eligible, applicants must also be a resident of the City of Delta or study, work or volunteer in Delta, or have children that study in Delta.

Accessibility Plan 

The Delta School District has developed an Accessibility Plan which will be reviewed and updated at least once every three years in accordance with the Accessible British Columbia Act with the support of the Accessibility Advisory Committee. In addition to the committee, the district has established a working group made up of leaders within departments and schools who will carry out the work devised in the Accessibility Plan.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Braid, District Principal, Employee Services at or 604 952 2939.

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