Notice of Special Board Meeting – April 28, 2020

Category: DistrictSchool

The Board of Education is holding a Special Board Meeting on Tuesday, April 28 at 5p.m. regarding making the public meeting process more accessible to the public.

The public are invited to participate in this Special Board Meeting:

  • To listen to the meeting, please dial 778 907 2071 and enter the meeting ID  919 8286 2866 and password 089839.
  • We suggest you call in at least five minutes prior to the meeting starting to ensure you are connected in time.
  • To submit questions for consideration during the question period, please email them to at any time before the Special Board Meeting begins, or during the Special Board Meeting up until the start of the public question period.
  • Please note: questions should pertain to items on the agenda and include the name of the person submitting the question.
  • The question, along with the name of the person that submitted it, will be read out and answered in the order that it is received.

The Board of Education is committed to making the public Board meeting process as accessible to the public as possible. Please check the district’s website after April 28 for details of any updates to the public Board meeting process.

Agendas for all board meetings can be found on the Board Meetings page of the district’s website.