Pink Shirt Day 2024

Category: District

Today, to highlight Pink Shirt Day, more than 1,900 elementary students from across Delta enjoyed Battle of the Badges, the epic hockey match between Delta Fire & Emergency Services and the Delta Police Department. The aim of Battle of the Badges is to shine a spotlight on the need to Lift Each Other Up in support of anti-bullying.

With one in five students affected by bullying, Pink Shirt Day, is an important reminder for all of us to be kind and lift each other up, and to speak up for those who don’t have a voice. Through the Battle of the Badges hockey game, Delta’s Police and Fire Departments hope to promote the importance of standing together against bullying and demonstrate that although we may look different or fulfill different roles, it doesn’t mean one is better than the other. Celebrating our differences and being united in our diversity is powerful. By raising awareness for anti-bullying, our Fire and Police Departments hope to inspire students to practice kindness and compassion always.

This exciting annual event is a collaboration between Delta Fire & Emergency Services, the Delta Police Department, the City of Delta, and the Delta School District.