Reconciliation House Post Video

Category: DistrictSchool

Delta Film Academy student, Zack Goldberg, made a wonderful video chronicling the work of Tsawwassen First Nation artist Karl Morgan, and the journey of the Reconciliation House Post.

The Pole, commissioned by Delta School District, was carved by Morgan, with the assistance of three other TFN Members. The 3.6m (12 foot) Pole is carved from red cedar and signifies the ongoing reconciliation between the Tsawwassen People and Delta School District and now lives in the lobby of the Delta School Board Office.

Last spring, Delta School District students were invited to work with Tsawwassen First Nation carver Karl Morgan on the reconciliation house post. Delta School District teaching staff, in collaboration with members of Tsawwassen First Nation, have used the experience of carving with Mr. Morgan as a learning opportunity in Delta classrooms.