In 1994, UNESCO inaugurated October 5 as World Teachers’ Day to commemorate the joint UNESCO and International Labour Organization’s (ILO) signing of the Recommendations Concerning the Status of Teachers.
A Message from Delta School Board Chairperson, Laura Dixon
This year marks the 24th celebration of World Teacher’s Day, and represents a significant token of the awareness, understanding and appreciation displayed for the vital contribution that teachers make to education and development around the world.
The Delta School District, along with over 100 countries around the world, will celebrate World Teachers’ Day in recognition of the invaluable service, skill, time, and care our teachers commit to our students each and every day.
For World Teachers’ Day this year, the Canadian Teachers’ Federation has chosen the theme: “Teachers, the heartbeat of Public Education”.
On behalf of my fellow trustees in expressing deep gratitude for the commitment our teachers have for their students and their role as stewards of public education. We are blessed with a community of teachers who strive for excellence and innovation each and every day.
My hope is that on October 5th, you will all take time to reflect on the deep impact teaching has on our community, and how teachers around the world continue to need support.

A Message from Delta School District
Superintendent, Doug Sheppard
I would like to add to Laura’s comments and share some of my thoughts on why World Teachers’ Day is important to Delta School District, and to me personally.
I began my teaching career over 25 years ago. Much has changed over the years. Our relationship with technology, our awareness and desire for understanding on complex issues like gender identity, truth and reconciliation, equity and inclusion and youth mental health. Through it all our teachers are the leaders of this change—creating opportunities for deepening the critical and creative thinking for our students and improving their overall life opportunities. I am proud of the commitment our educators have shown in being curious and collaborative as we work to constantly bring global understanding into the classroom.
I am humbled at the work we do, and also saddened knowing that around the world, and even in some areas of Canada— teachers are not afforded the resources and support we experience here in Delta.
There are an estimated 264 million children and youth still out of school globally.
This year UNESCO has chosen the theme, “The right to education means the right to a qualified teacher”. Even today, a continuing challenge worldwide is the shortage of highly trained and qualified teachers. There are an estimated 264 million children and youth still out of school globally. To reach the 2030 Education Goals of universal primary and secondary education, the world needs to recruit almost 69 million new teachers. This ‘teacher gap’ is more pronounced among vulnerable populations, such as girls, children with disabilities, refugee and migrant children, or poor children living in rural or remote areas. It is my hope that Canada, BC and Delta can be demonstrations of what can happen when people believe deeply in a strong public education system for every child globally.
I echo Laura’s comments, and hope that on October 5th we can all take a moment to acknowledge the tremendous work our teachers do here in Delta, and also the challenges that still exist for teachers both here and around the world.